Free Information To Make Your Next Move a Success
Peter's special relocation information package designed for anyone considering a move to Calgary, is a great place to start. Here are just a few of the things Peter has included to help you get your move off on the right foot:
- A complete map of the Calgary area, including all streets, highways, public transportation, schools, parks, public areas, shopping centers and major landmarks.
- A breakdown of local neighborhoods, including average prices and types of homes as well as the schools, parks and recreational areas found in each one.
- A guide to educational system with complete list of all schools in Calgary.
- "Quick facts" book about Alberta and Calgary.
- Most recent copy of Calgary Herald
- Climat information.
- Demographic statistics.
Or send Peter a message, and let him know what kind of information you would like to have about city of Calgary. He will send a customized package designed just for you.